Get My Ex Boyfriend Back - Five Tips

No one ever said dating is easy. There are many ups and downs and if you lost your ex boyfriend that you love dearly during the down times, it may be difficult for you to function and think straight. In the aftermath, you are trying to answer the question "how do I get my ex boyfriend back?" If you know that there is much to salvage in the relationship that you had and you would like to get back together with your boyfriend, this article provides some tips. Get your ex boyfriend back with these five tips.

When we experience a breakup that is very hurtful especially when we have a lot vested in the relationship, because you are too emotionally involved, it may be near impossible with any overtures you make towards your ex boyfriend to get him back. This is because you will be doing the wrong things that only push him away because you are not thinking clearly.

Get My Ex Boyfriend Back with These Five Tips

Making up is hard to do but your relationship can be restored and you can get your ex back following these 5 steps.

1. Cut off all communication

After a breakup with your boyfriend, in an effort to win back ex, you may become overly aggressive in reaching out to him with phone calls (not to mention those drunken phone calls in the middle of the night!), texts, emails, letters apologizing (even when you did nothing wrong), etc. This only results in turning him off because he is feeling pressured and you will not be able to get ex boyfriend back. None of us enjoy being pressured about anything in life.

By behaving differently and cutting off all communication with your ex, you are letting him breathe and think clearly without any pressure and begging from you. If you are not constantly "harassing" your ex boyfriend with contact, he may think that you are doing just fine after the break up and have moved on which will give him pause.

This will give him a chance to re-evaluate the demise of the relationship and you. It may also give him a chance to miss you again when he realizes how important you were to him.

2. Purge Negativity

By cutting off all communication with your ex, this will give you an excellent opportunity to work on you. You need to get in the right frame of mind if you still carry hopes of making up with your ex boyfriend.
Any negativity and bitterness needs to be let go of. If you catch yourself feeling sorry for yourself and feeling unlovable, purge the thoughts immediately before they take root in your psyche and become a self fulfilling prophesy.

3. Focus on the present

Your past relationship is over. None of us can turn back the hands of time and change things that were said or done. It is in the past. Accept this before you can move on. If the relationship was working, you wouldn't have broken up with your ex boyfriend. For him to even consider getting back together with you, he has to believe that the relationship will not be the same as it was in the past.

4. Look your best

A lot of women after a breakup end up looking better than they have ever looked in their lives. It is usually the best revenge. Losing a few pounds, getting new hairstyle, new clothes, etc, will not only be a great confidence boost but will make your ex boyfriend look at you in a whole new light.

When you are happy with how you look on the outside, it shines through from the inside. This renewed confidence in your appearance will show in the way you carry yourself and your confidence levels. This will not only be intoxicating to other men on the dating scene but will be irresistible to your ex boyfriend.

Redefine yourself as a woman who deserves the very best man you'll ever meet. If you need help in this department the following resource should be a great help.

5. Proper planning

If you have diligently followed the previous steps, your ex boyfriend may want to get in touch with you. Plan what you shall say to your ex boyfriend if you do decide to meet with him. Plan where you shall meet. Avoid overly romantic settings at all costs to prevent yourself from getting caught up in the ambiance and moving too fast.

You need to be able to think clearly during this meeting which will give you a better idea on whether there is still a chance for restoring your relationship and get back together with your ex boyfriend. You want to be able to determine whether your ex still really loves you and is not simply caught up in your new look and confidence.

Limit the amount of physical contact that you have with him. This is bound to drive him nuts. Do not move too quickly otherwise you will find yourself back at square one over and over again in a relationship that is going nowhere.

Playing your cards right during this breakup period in an effort to get your ex back is very important. Arm yourself with the tools and resources that will ensure that you get back with your ex boyfriend and also that when you do get back together, your renewed relationship is richer and more loving than it ever was before the breakup.

These are a few of the steps outlined in the bestselling "The Magic of Making Up" that you can check out below for additional help and tips to help you answer the question "How do I get my ex boyfriend back?".